Jan Wayne signs to Jan Vis for exclusive bookings worldwide

Jan Wayne and Charlene can only be described as the Dance Sensation of the early 2000. Within less than 1 Year the friendly and very likable man from the North of Germany, together with the BIG voice of Singer Charlene advanced to being one of the most successful Dance Acts Worldwide. 


Jan Wayne’s Awards

Their Hits “Total Eclipse Of My Heart”,“Only You”, “Because The Night”, “Only You”, “More Than A Feeling”, “Here I Am” are known and loved by Clubbers everywhere. A string of Top 10 Hits in various Single and Dance Charts, plus Awards and nominations, for example the prestigious TMF Award in Holland, and uncountable National and International Shows and events talk volumes about this success Story. 



And now! Jan celebrates 30 Years of being on Stage and performing, which coincides perfectly with the 20 Year “Birthday” of one of their biggest Hits “Because The Night” kick starts Jan and Charlene’s return to the International Stage after a long earned break.